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Bagchi, Aditi
Baker, Tom, University of Connecticut School of Law
Banner, Stuart, Norman Abrams Professor of Law, UCLA
Bar-Gill, Oren
Barak-Erez, Daphne, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
Barak-Erez, Daphne, Associate Professor and Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
Barroilhet, Agustín, University of Chile Law School
Barshack, Lior, The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel
Bartley, Tim
Barzilai, Gad, University of Washington
Barzuza, Michal, University of Virginia School of Law
Bauböck, Rainer
Baum, Ido
Baumgartner, Samuel P.
Beatson, Jack, Rouse Ball Professor of English Law, University of Cambridge, Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge
Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth, Visiting professor, Department of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU University of Trondheim (Norway)
Bell, Abraham, Professor, Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law; Visiting Professor, University of Connecticut School of Law.
Belz, Dan
Benbaji, Yitzhak
Benson, Peter
Bensusán, Graciela, UAM-Xochimilco
Bently, Lionel, Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law, University of Cambridge; Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
Benvenisti, Eyal, Professor of Law and Director of Cegla Center, the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
Benvenisti, Eyal, University of Cambridge, Tel Aviv University
Benvenisti, Eyal, Professor, Hebrew University Faculty of Law
Benvenisti, Eyal, Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law
Benvenisti, Eyal, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Benvenisti, Eyal
Berkowitz, Roger, Bard College
Bernd-Schäfer, Hans, Professor of Economics, Law Faculty and Economics Faculty, University of Hamburg; Director of the Institute of law and Economics University of Hamburg Institute of Law and Economics
Bhagat, Ayushman
Bilsky, Leora, Lecturer, Law Faculty, Tel Aviv University
Bilsky, Leora, Tel Aviv University Law Faculty
Bilsky, Leora, Tel Aviv University
Bilsky, Leora
Birks, Peter, QC, FBA Regius Professor of Civil Law in the University of Oxford, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford
Birnhack, Michael D., Tel Aviv University
Birnhack, Michael
Blank, Yishai, Tel Aviv University
Blank, Yishai
Blank, Yishai, The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel-Aviv University
Blank, Yishai, Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Blecher-Prigat, Ayelet, Senior Lecturer, Sha’arey Mishpat Law College
Board, Editorial
Bonan, Giacomo, University of Bologna.
Boni-Saenz, Alexander A.
Borghi, Maurizio, Law Lecturer at Brunel University, West London.
Bosniak, Linda, Rutgers Law School-Camden
Bowman, Cynthia Grant, Dorothea S. Clarke Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY
Bracha, Oren
Brasseur, Guy P., Climate Service Center, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Hamburg, Germany
Bratton, William W., Samuel Tyler Research Professor of Law, The George Washington University Law School
Braucher, Jean, University of Arizona
Braudo, Yael
Braudo, Yoshiro Miwa, Professor of Economics at the University of Tokyo
Braver, Sanford L., College of Law and Department of Psychology, Arizona State University
Brooks, Neil, Neil Brooks teaches tax law and policy at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Canada, and is a Senior Fellow of the Taxation Law and Policy Research Institute, Monash University.
Brophy, Alfred L., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Brunner, José, Senior Lecturer, Buchmann Faculty of Law and Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University
Brunner, José, Senior Lecturer, Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, and Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
Brunner, José, Tel Aviv University
Burch, Elizabeth Chamblee, University of Georgia School of Law